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Korean Random


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  1. Thanks SmashPuppet, this exactly solved it. Great. Had for the meantime some issues with color definition (0x... vs #...). Thanks for the support, Konfus-ius
  2. Fellow Tankers, after setting up my own xvm-configuration (based on the various great examples), one key ingredient is missing: Coloring of player names in the panels with name-dependend colors. I tried to define within colors.xc; // Dynamic color by prominent player "name": [ { "value": "Quickfingers", "color": "0xDD4444" }, { "value": "piskinas", "color": "0xDD4444" }, { "value": "SirFoch", "color": "0xDD4444" } ], and also tried some HEX-representation of the names. But unfortunately, no coloring happend. My question is: how to define the "values" in order to get a string-dependend coloring of player names. Is there any hope? Thanks for your support, Konfus-ius
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