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Korean Random


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  1. Any one know how to set up a running count of how many Critical Hits I've dished out to the enemy? Like the Hit Count at the top left, but only counting the number of critical hits on enemy vehicles. Even knowing which XVM file that it would reside in would help! Chees! :)
  2. Is it possible to add a 'Critical' HitLog beside my 'Damage' HitLog? If so, what would it look like, and where would it go? All I'd really want is a simple count of Critical Hits, no player, or vehicle info required. Thanks in advance if any one can help! :)
  3. Thanks!!! :) That's the one I needed. Cheers! :)
  4. Could someone suggest a good ' .xc ' editor please? I tried Notepad++ and hate it. Too cluttered. I used to have one that was more specific to XVM editing but can't remember what it as called. :( *** UPDATE*** No more help needed. Got XCPad! Thanks for the reply! :)
  5. Does anyone know if it's possible to show a "Damage On Your Spotting" log in battle? Like ie: the Damage log, and Hit Log? Thanks in advance if anyone has an answer, or even a suggestion as to what sub-forum to post the question in! Cheers! :)
  6. Hi everyone, I'm wondering if there is a way to show Experience for a match As It Accumulates... the same way accumulating Damage is shown? Thanks in advance if anyone know how to set that up! :)
  7. I use a vanilla install of XVM, and I miss seeing my team's player names over their tank. Could someone please explain what to change/add, and in what file to add those player names? Thanks in advance! :)
  8. The current Nightly Build is working fine as far as I could tell over half a dozen matches... just though I'd let you all know if you're desperate to have a working version! :) Cheers! :)
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