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Everything posted by Heliomalt

  1. Thx for explaining, so its not a bug, it's fine for me. After adding the CRC sum to the hash_table, I get this info in xvm.log: xvm_integrity results: incorrect! hash mismatch in file: res_mods/mods/xfw_packages/xvm_sounds_addons/python/__init__.py But anyway, like you told before, its just a info.
  2. I use the fragannouncer V1, installed all the files from the xvm_sounds_addons folder, but after first start I get this error in the xvm log: xvm_integrity results: incorrect! extra file res_mods/mods/xfw_packages/xvm_sounds_addons/python/__init__.py and a additional file __init__.pyc was created inside the xvm_sounds_addons folder. The sounds are working, but where is the error? Edit: Could it be, that the macros in the xvm_sounds_addons folder are the wrong version? File __version__.py: __xvm_version__ = '7.6.9' __wot_version__ = '' __revision__ = '8518' __branch__ = 'default' __node__ = '76133ff00187bc5bc3334fa4995c531b25361fd5' Would a update solve the problem?
  3. I tried again with my own project and copied the license from wwp_1.0.2.0.zip from https://bitbucket.org/AstaRom/wwise_wg_project/downloads/ Now it works. Thank you for explaining!
  4. And where, I like to understand, what I did wrong so this won't happend in the future and maybe for some other sounds.
  5. quake3.zip I tried to make a sound for battle start, after the timer is run down to 0:00.
  6. I tried already before with Wwise v2017.1.1 build 6340 and get the same error. Now installed this vrsion again, make a complete new bnk file, load the game and replay twice, but same error again. The bnk file is in C:\Games\World_of_Tanks\res_mods\mods\shared_resources\xvm\audioww and was copied after second start to C:\Games\World_of_Tanks\res_mods\\audioww. xvm.log python.log
  7. I get this error in python log: RuntimeError: [LoadBank] Cannot load sound bank. Audiokinetic error code: 64 I made a soundbank with only one event with this version: Wwise v2017.2.5 build 6619 (x64) Whats going wrong, someone has a solution? Thanks. Edit: I made this with the tutorial from the first page, 1. Create a sound bank (container), * .bnk and I use the bnk in the sounds.xc
  8. Thank you, problem solved. The too much spaces comes from copy & paste, from here and google translate. Is there another py_macro or similar solution to show the session WN8 like some session statistics mods? Or is an additional mod the only way for the moment?
  9. +1 ktulho, is it possible to add this for example: {{py:xvm.wn8SessionDay}} ? At the moment I can only use {{mystat.wn8}} from the statistics, but this shows the global WN8. Would be a nice additional feature and a good replacment for some time sessions mods. Another question, I use this code to show my already mentioned WN8 and my daily winrate. It works so far, but the winrate is not colored, stay white at 100.00%, played one battle. Where is the error? XVM log is clean, show no error. "format": "<font face='$FieldFont' color='#F0F0F0' size='15'><textformat tabstops='[{{l10n:137}},219]' leading='2'></font>\t{{l10n:WN8}}: <font color='{{mystat.c_wn8}}'>{{mystat.wn8}}</font>\t{{l10n:Winrate}}: <font color='{{c:winrate}}'>{{py:xvm.winRateSessionDay%.2f~%}}</font></textformat></font>" I use your example from post # 396270: <font color = '# {{py: xvm.dynamic_color_rating (\' winrate \ ', {{py: xvm.winRateSessionDay}})}}'> {{py: xvm.winRateSessionDay% .1f}} </ font> now looks like this in my config: "format": "<font face='$FieldFont' color='#F0F0F0' size='15'><textformat tabstops='[{{l10n:137}},219]' leading='2'></font>\t{{l10n:WN8}}: <font color='{{mystat.c_wn8}}'>{{mystat.wn8}}</font>\t{{l10n:Winrate}}: <font color = '# {{py:xvm.dynamic_color_rating (\' winrate \ ',{{py:xvm.winRateSessionDay}})}}'>{{py: xvm.winRateSessionDay%.2f~%}}</font></textformat></font>" but this give me some errors and no winrate is visible. xvm.log Thanks for helping.
  10. This is my solution in the playersPanel.xc add this in the def section (I don't use an icon for nofriend) // Friend icon. "friend": { "enabled": true, //"hotKeyCode": 56, "onHold": "true", "visibleOnHotKey": true, "x": 70, "y": 5, "width": 12, "height": 18, "align": "center", "alpha": 100, "bindToIcon": false, "src": "xvm://res/icons/friend/{{friend?friend}}.png" }, // Ignored icon. "ignored": { "enabled": true, //"hotKeyCode": 56, "onHold": "true", "visibleOnHotKey": true, "x": 70, "y": 5, "width": 14, "height": 14, "align": "center", "alpha": 100, "bindToIcon": false, "src": "img://gui/maps/icons/library/{{ignored?marker_blocked}}.png" } this in the extraFields Left and Right in each panel, if you like it, I use it only at the large panel ${"def.friend"}, ${"def.ignored"} Hope this help you. Edit: I have this little problem, if a player is on my ignore list, I see also the standard icon from WG. How to remove/resolve this problem?
  11. Can you please post your solution/code for the ignored. Tried different ways, can't get it working. Thank you.
  12. Has someone a working config example for this two macos? Does this mean that an icon is displayed or the name is colored? Thanks for your help
  13. Is it possible to show the distance only, if I aim on a target? Now with this config I see it all the time. Makes no sense for me, when I see the distance, when I am aiming on a house for example. Thanks in advance. "distance": { "enabled": true, "flags": [ "alive" ], "updateEvent": "PY(ON_TARGET), PY(ON_CAMERA_MODE), PY(ON_MARKER_POSITION)", "x": 0, "y": "{{py:sight.cameraMode=arc?-238|{{py:sight.cameraMode=sn?-238|-230}}}}", "width": 100, "height": 32, //"borderColor": "0xFF0000", //!!! "screenHAlign": "center", "screenVAlign": "center", "alpha" : 100, "shadow": { "distance": 1, "angle": 90, "alpha": 70, "blur": 5, "strength": 3 }, "textFormat": { "align": "center", "color": "0xd4ffaa" }, //"format": " <font color='#{{py:sight.vehicleTarget?FF0000|d4ffaa}}' size='22'>{{py:sight.distance%3.f m}}</font>" "format": " <font color='#{{py:sight.vehicleTarget?d4ffaa|FF0000}}' size='22'>{{py:sight.distance%4.f m}}</font>" },
  14. I use only the penetration calculator, as you can see on the screenshot, this is working. But I have some errors in the xvm.log, maybe someone could help? Thank you. 2018-07-18 16:03:51: XVM: eXtended Visualization Mod ( https://modxvm.com/ ) 2018-07-18 16:03:51: XVM Version : 7.6.8 2018-07-18 16:03:51: XVM Revision : 8514 2018-07-18 16:03:51: XVM Branch : default 2018-07-18 16:03:51: XVM Hash : 22539bca9a05d9e5e104307881d119b367458b48 2018-07-18 16:03:51: WoT Current : 2018-07-18 16:03:51: Current Time : 2018-07-18 16:03:51 +0200 2018-07-18 16:03:51: --------------------------- 2018-07-18 16:03:51: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\xvm.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:51: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\@xvm.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:51: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\minimapAlt.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:51: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\minimap.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:51: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\minimapCircles.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:51: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\minimapLines.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:51: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\minimapMapSize.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:51: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\minimapLabelsAlt.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:51: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\minimapLabelsTemplates.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:51: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\minimapLabelsData.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:51: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\hitLog.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:51: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\battle.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:51: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\colors.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:51: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\export.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:51: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\sight.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:51: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\elements.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:51: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\camera.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:51: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\sounds.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:51: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\battleLabels.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:51: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\battleLabelsTemplates.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:51: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\battleLabelSight.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:51: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\minimapLabels.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:51: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\battleLoading.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:51: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\statisticForm.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:51: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\playersPanel.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:51: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\markers.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:51: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\markersDeadExtended.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:51: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\markersDeadNormal.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:51: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\markersAliveExtended.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:51: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\markersAliveNormal.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:51: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\squad.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:51: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\safeShot.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:51: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\iconset.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:51: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\battleMessages.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:51: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\tooltips.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:51: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\xmqp.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:51: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\tweaks.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:51: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\userInfo.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:51: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\alpha.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:51: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\battleResults.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:51: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\texts.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:51: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\captureBar.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:51: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\vehicleNames.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:52: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\hotkeys.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:52: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\hangar.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:52: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\carousel.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:52: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\carouselNormal.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:52: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\carouselSmall.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:52: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\widgets.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:52: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\widgetsTemplates.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:52: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\damageLog.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:52: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\login.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:52: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\battleLoadingTips.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:52: [JSONxLoader] load: res_mods\mods\shared_resources\xvm\l10n\de.xc 2018-07-18 16:03:52: Config loaded. Region: EU (detected), Language: de (detected) 2018-07-18 16:04:03: [INFO] HTTPS: /4.0/getToken/e4689f1a-****-****-****-********81d7/543716953 2018-07-18 16:04:03: [INFO] Time: 62 ms, Size: 279 (279) bytes 2018-07-18 16:04:03: [INFO] HTTPS: /4.0/getVersionWithLimit/e4689f1a-****-****-****-********81d7/543716953/50 2018-07-18 16:04:03: [INFO] Time: 61 ms, Size: 10640 (10640) bytes 2018-07-18 16:04:03: [X:000] Loading swf mods: 2018-07-18 16:04:03: [X:001] xvm_battle/as_battle_classic/xvm_battle_classic.swf 2018-07-18 16:04:03: [B:002] onLibLoaded: ../../res_mods/mods/xfw_packages/xvm_battle/as_battle_classic/xvm_battle_classic.swf 2018-07-18 16:04:03: [B:003] [XVM:BATTLE] processView: classicBattlePage 2018-07-18 16:04:04: [B:004] [XVM INFO] XVM_VERSION=7.6.8 #8514 for WoT gameRegion=EU configVersion=6.1.0 autoReloadConfig=false markers.enabled=false servicesActive=true xmqp=true statBattle=false 2018-07-18 16:04:04: [B:005] [XFW] Mod loaded: xvm_battle_classic.swf 2018-07-18 16:04:04: [ERROR] Traceback (most recent call last): File "res_mods/mods/xfw_packages\xvm_main\python\python_macro.py", line 156, in process_python_macro (func, deterministic) = get_function(arg) File "res_mods/mods/xfw_packages\xvm_main\python\python_macro.py", line 147, in get_function (func, deterministic) = _container.get(func_name) TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable arg='sight.cameraMode' 2018-07-18 16:04:04: [ERROR] Traceback (most recent call last): File "res_mods/mods/xfw_packages\xvm_main\python\python_macro.py", line 156, in process_python_macro (func, deterministic) = get_function(arg) File "res_mods/mods/xfw_packages\xvm_main\python\python_macro.py", line 147, in get_function (func, deterministic) = _container.get(func_name) TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable arg='sight.cameraMode' 2018-07-18 16:04:04: [ERROR] Traceback (most recent call last): File "res_mods/mods/xfw_packages\xvm_main\python\python_macro.py", line 156, in process_python_macro (func, deterministic) = get_function(arg) File "res_mods/mods/xfw_packages\xvm_main\python\python_macro.py", line 147, in get_function (func, deterministic) = _container.get(func_name) TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable arg='sight.cameraMode' 2018-07-18 16:04:04: [ERROR] Traceback (most recent call last): File "res_mods/mods/xfw_packages\xvm_main\python\python_macro.py", line 156, in process_python_macro (func, deterministic) = get_function(arg) File "res_mods/mods/xfw_packages\xvm_main\python\python_macro.py", line 147, in get_function (func, deterministic) = _container.get(func_name) TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable arg='sight.cameraMode' 2018-07-18 16:04:04: [INFO] HTTPS: /3.0/getComments/e4689f1a-****-****-****-********81d7 2018-07-18 16:04:09: [VM] initialized 2018-07-18 16:04:09: [VM] registered battleLabels.xc /** * List of battle interface labels. */ { "labels": { // Referenced labels: // * every custom field can be separate enabled or disabled by "enabled" switch in their settings. // * extended format supported, see extra-field.txt "formats": [ ${ "battleLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.hitlogHeader" }, ${ "battleLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.hitlogBody" }, ${ "battleLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.totalHP" }, ${ "battleLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.avgDamage" }, ${ "battleLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.mainGun" }, ${ "battleLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.damageLogBackground"}, ${ "battleLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.damageLog" }, ${ "battleLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.lastHit" }, ${ "battleLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.fire" }, ${ "battleLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.totalEfficiency" }, ${ "battleLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.repairTimeEngine" }, ${ "battleLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.repairTimeGun" }, ${ "battleLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.repairTimeTurret" }, ${ "battleLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.repairTimeTracks" }, ${ "battleLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.repairTimeSurveying" }, ${ "battleLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.repairTimeRadio" }, ${ "battleLabelSight.xc":"def.cameraMode"}, ${ "battleLabelSight.xc":"def.cameraMode_sn"}, ${ "battleLabelSight.xc":"def.piercingChance"}, ${ "battleLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.TEAM_ENEMY_HP_ground" }, ${ "battleLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.TEAM_HP_ground" }, ${ "battleLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.ENEMY_HP_ground" }, ${ "battleLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.TEAM_HP_bar" }, ${ "battleLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.ENEMY_HP_bar" }, ${ "battleLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.TEAM_HP_border" }, ${ "battleLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.ENEMY_HP_border" }, ${ "battleLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.TEAM_HP" }, ${ "battleLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.ENEMY_HP" }, ${ "battleLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.TEAM_ENEMY_HP_diff" } ] } } battleLabelSight.xc { "def": { "cameraMode": { "enabled": true, "updateEvent": "PY(ON_CAMERA_MODE)", "x": 0, //"y": "{{py:math.sum({{py:sight.sight_y}}, 12)}}", "y": 0, "width": 536, "height": 283, "screenHAlign": "center", "screenVAlign": "center", "alpha" : "{{py:sight.cameraMode=arc?100|0}}", "format": "" }, "cameraMode_sn": { "enabled": true, "updateEvent": "PY(ON_CAMERA_MODE)", "x": 0, //"y": "{{py:math.sum({{py:sight.sight_y}}, 2)}}", "y": 0, "width": 502, "height": 124, "screenHAlign": "center", "screenVAlign": "center", "alpha" : "{{py:sight.cameraMode=sn?100|0}}", "format": "" }, "piercingChance": { "enabled": true, "flags": [ "alive" ], "updateEvent": "PY(ON_CALC_ARMOR), PY(ON_CAMERA_MODE)", "x": 0, "y": "{{py:sight.cameraMode=arc?-49|{{py:sight.cameraMode=sn?39|44}}}}", "width": 100, "height": 26, // "borderColor": "0xFF0000", //!!! "screenHAlign": "center", "screenVAlign": "center", "alpha" : 100, "shadow": { "distance": 1, "angle": 90, "alpha": 90, "blur": 5, "strength": 3 }, "textFormat": { "align": "center", "valign": "center" }, "format": "<font color='{{py:sight.c_piercingChance}}' size='18'>{{py:sight.piercingActual}} {{py:sight.piercingActual?/|}} {{py:sight.armorActual}}</font>" } } } sight.xc { "sight": { // false "enabled": true, // {{py:....Target}} "delayHideTarget": 3, // "sphereDispersion": { // true "enabled": false, // ["LT", "MT", "HT", "TD", "SPG"] "vtype": ["SPG"], // "hotkey": { // true "enabled": false, // hotkeys.xc. "keyCode": 29, // onHold: false "onHold": true } }, // true "removeIndicator": false, // true "removeCentralMarker": false, // true "removeLoad": false, // true "removeCondition": false, // true "removeContainers": false, // true "removeLoadingTimer": false, // true "removeZoomIndicator": false, // true "removeDistance": false, // true "removeQuantityShells": false, // {{py:sight.shellType}}). "shellType": { "armor_piercing": "{{l10n:armor_piercing}}", // armor piercing "high_explosive": "{{l10n:high_explosive}}", // high explosive "armor_piercing_cr": "{{l10n:armor_piercing_cr}}", // armor piercing composite rigid "armor_piercing_he": "{{l10n:armor_piercing_he}}", // armor piercing high explosive "hollow_charge": "{{l10n:hollow_charge}}", // high explosive anti-tank "not_shell": "Netu" }, // ({{py:sight.c_piercingChance}}) "c_piercingChance": { "not_pierced": "#E82929", "little_pierced": "#E1C300", "great_pierced": "#2ED12F" }, // "autoAim": { "enabled": false, // : "arrow", "cylinder" // "arrow" // "cylinder" "markerType": "cylinder" } } } sight.py import traceback import BigWorld import Math import math import ProjectileMover import BattleReplay from projectile_trajectory import computeProjectileTrajectory from constants import SERVER_TICK_LENGTH, SHELL_TRAJECTORY_EPSILON_CLIENT # , ARENA_GUI_TYPE from Vehicle import Vehicle from Avatar import PlayerAvatar from gui.Scaleform.daapi.view.meta.CrosshairPanelContainerMeta import CrosshairPanelContainerMeta from VehicleGunRotator import VehicleGunRotator from ClientArena import CollisionResult from gui.battle_control.controllers.consumables.ammo_ctrl import AmmoReplayPlayer import gui.Scaleform.daapi.view.battle.shared.crosshair.plugins as plug from gui.Scaleform.daapi.view.battle.shared.crosshair.plugins import AmmoPlugin from gui.Scaleform.daapi.view.battle.classic.stats_exchange import FragsCollectableStats from xfw import * from xvm_main.python.logger import * import xvm_main.python.config as config from xvm import utils VEHICLE_CLASSES = {'mediumTank': 'MT', 'lightTank': 'LT', 'heavyTank': 'HT', 'AT-SPG': 'TD', 'SPG': 'SPG'} COLOR_PIERCING_CHANCE = {'not_pierced': '#E82929', 'little_pierced': '#E1C300', 'great_pierced': '#2ED12F'} currentDistance = None vehicle = None player = None timeFlight = None timeAIM = None sphere = None _explosionRadius = None isDisplaySphere = False isDownHotkey = True shellType = None cameraHeight = None isAlive = False isNotEvent = False def explosionRadius(): global _explosionRadius if vehicle is None or not hasattr(vehicle, 'typeDescriptor'): return _type = vehicle.typeDescriptor.shot.shell.type _explosionRadius = _type.explosionRadius if hasattr(_type, 'explosionRadius') else None @registerEvent(AmmoPlugin, '_AmmoPlugin__onGunAutoReloadTimeSet') def _AmmoPlugin__onGunAutoReloadTimeSet(self, state, stunned): if config.get('sight/enabled', True) and isNotEvent: explosionRadius() @registerEvent(AmmoReplayPlayer, 'setGunReloadTime') def AmmoReplayPlayer_setGunReloadTime(self, timeLeft, baseTime): if config.get('sight/enabled', True) and isNotEvent: explosionRadius() @registerEvent(CrosshairPanelContainerMeta, 'as_setReloadingS') def CrosshairPanelContainerMeta_as_setReloadingS(self, duration, baseTime, startTime, isReloading): if config.get('sight/enabled', True) and isNotEvent: explosionRadius() @registerEvent(FragsCollectableStats, 'addVehicleStatusUpdate') def FragsCollectableStats_addVehicleStatusUpdate(self, vInfoVO): if config.get('sight/enabled', True) and isNotEvent: if (not vInfoVO.isAlive()) and (vehicle is not None) and (vehicle.id == vInfoVO.vehicleID): setValueDead() @registerEvent(PlayerAvatar, 'handleKey') def handleKey(self, isDown, key, mods): if config.get('sight/enabled', True) and isNotEvent: global isDownHotkey hotkey = config.get('sight/sphereDispersion/hotkey', None) if hotkey is not None and hotkey['enabled'] and (key == hotkey['keyCode']): if isDown: if hotkey['onHold']: if not isDownHotkey: isDownHotkey = True else: isDownHotkey = not isDownHotkey else: if hotkey['onHold']: if isDownHotkey: isDownHotkey = False @overrideMethod(CrosshairPanelContainerMeta, 'as_setDistanceS') def CrosshairPanelContainerMeta_as_setDistanceS(base, self, dist): if not (config.get('sight/enabled', True) and config.get('sight/removeDistance', False)): return base(self, dist) @overrideMethod(CrosshairPanelContainerMeta, 'as_setNetVisibleS') def CrosshairPanelContainerMeta_as_setNetVisibleS(base, self, mask): if config.get('sight/enabled', True): if config.get('sight/removeIndicator', False): mask &= 2 if config.get('sight/removeQuantityShells', False): mask &= 1 base(self, mask) @overrideMethod(plug, '_makeSettingsVO') def plugins_makeSettingsVO(base, settingsCore, *keys): data = base(settingsCore, *keys) if config.get('sight/enabled', True) and isNotEvent: for mode in data: if config.get('sight/removeCentralMarker', False) and ('centerAlphaValue' in data[mode]): data[mode]['centerAlphaValue'] = 0 if config.get('sight/removeIndicator', False) and config.get('sight/removeQuantityShells', False) and ('netAlphaValue' in data[mode]): data[mode]['netAlphaValue'] = 0 if config.get('sight/removeLoad', False) and ('reloaderAlphaValue' in data[mode]): data[mode]['reloaderAlphaValue'] = 0 if config.get('sight/removeCondition', False) and ('conditionAlphaValue' in data[mode]): data[mode]['conditionAlphaValue'] = 0 if config.get('sight/removeContainers', False) and ('cassetteAlphaValue' in data[mode]): data[mode]['cassetteAlphaValue'] = 0 if config.get('sight/removeLoadingTimer', False) and ('reloaderTimerAlphaValue' in data[mode]): data[mode]['reloaderTimerAlphaValue'] = 0 if config.get('sight/removeZoomIndicator', False) and ('zoomIndicatorAlphaValue' in data[mode]): data[mode]['zoomIndicatorAlphaValue'] = 0 return data @registerEvent(PlayerAvatar, 'onBecomePlayer') def PlayerAvatar_onBecomePlayer(self): global player player = BigWorld.player() @registerEvent(Vehicle, 'onEnterWorld') def Vehicle_onEnterWorld(self, prereqs): if self.isPlayerVehicle and config.get('sight/enabled', True): global isNotEvent, vehicle, currentDistance, timeFlight, timeAIM, cameraHeight global _explosionRadius, isDisplaySphere, isDownHotkey, player, isAlive _explosionRadius = None currentDistance = None timeFlight = None timeAIM = None cameraHeight = None player = BigWorld.player() # isNotEvent = player.arenaGuiType not in [ARENA_GUI_TYPE.EVENT_BATTLES, ARENA_GUI_TYPE.EVENT_BATTLES_2] isNotEvent = True if isNotEvent: isAlive = self.isAlive and self.isCrewActive vehicle = self td = self.typeDescriptor _type = td.type vehClass = VEHICLE_CLASSES[list(_type.tags.intersection(VEHICLE_CLASSES.keys()))[0]] isDisplaySphere = config.get('sight/sphereDispersion/enabled', False) and (vehClass in config.get('sight/sphereDispersion/vtype', ['SPG'])) isDownHotkey = not config.get('sight/sphereDispersion/hotkey/enabled', False) def setValueDead(): global currentDistance, timeFlight, timeAIM global _explosionRadius, isDisplaySphere, isDownHotkey global cameraHeight, isAlive _explosionRadius = None currentDistance = None timeFlight = None timeAIM = None isDisplaySphere = False isDownHotkey = False cameraHeight = None isAlive = False as_event('ON_MARKER_POSITION') @registerEvent(Vehicle, 'onHealthChanged') def onHealthChanged(self, newHealth, attackerID, attackReasonID): if self.isPlayerVehicle and config.get('sight/enabled', True) and isNotEvent: isAlive = (newHealth > 0) and bool(vehicle.isCrewActive) if (not isAlive) and (sphere in BigWorld.models()): BigWorld.delModel(sphere) def update_sphere(position): global sphere if sphere is None: sphere = BigWorld.Model('objects/misc/bbox/sphere1.model') # log('sphere = %s' % (filter(lambda x: not x.startswith('__'), dir(sphere)))) # sphere = BigWorld.Model('content/Interface/Arrow/normal/lod0/arrow.model') elif sphere in BigWorld.models(): BigWorld.delModel(sphere) if (_explosionRadius is not None) and isAlive and isDownHotkey: sphere.position = position sphere.scale = Math.Vector3(_explosionRadius, _explosionRadius, _explosionRadius) BigWorld.addModel(sphere) @overrideMethod(VehicleGunRotator, '_VehicleGunRotator__getGunMarkerPosition') def _VehicleGunRotator__getGunMarkerPosition(base, self, shotPos, shotVec, dispersionAngles): if not (config.get('sight/enabled', True) and isNotEvent): return base(self, shotPos, shotVec, dispersionAngles) try: global timeFlight, currentDistance, timeAIM, cameraHeight shotDescr = self._VehicleGunRotator__avatar.getVehicleDescriptor().shot gravity = Math.Vector3(0.0, -shotDescr.gravity, 0.0) maxDist = shotDescr.maxDistance testVehicleID = self.getAttachedVehicleID() collideVehiclesAndStaticScene = ProjectileMover.collideDynamicAndStatic collideWithSpaceBB = self._VehicleGunRotator__avatar.arena.collideWithSpaceBB prevPos = shotPos endPos = shotPos direction = endPos - prevPos prevVelocity = shotVec dt = 0.0 maxDistCheckFlag = False while True: dt += SERVER_TICK_LENGTH checkPoints = computeProjectileTrajectory(prevPos, prevVelocity, gravity, SERVER_TICK_LENGTH, SHELL_TRAJECTORY_EPSILON_CLIENT) prevCheckPoint = prevPos bBreak = False for curCheckPoint in checkPoints: testRes = collideVehiclesAndStaticScene(prevCheckPoint, curCheckPoint, (testVehicleID,)) if testRes is not None: collData = testRes[1] if collData is not None and not collData.isVehicle(): collData = None direction = testRes[0] - prevCheckPoint endPos = testRes[0] timeFlight = dt if (curCheckPoint - prevCheckPoint).length < direction.length * 2 else dt - SERVER_TICK_LENGTH bBreak = True break collisionResult, intersection = collideWithSpaceBB(prevCheckPoint, curCheckPoint) if collisionResult is CollisionResult.INTERSECTION: collData = None maxDistCheckFlag = True direction = intersection - prevCheckPoint timeFlight = dt if (curCheckPoint - prevCheckPoint).length < direction.length * 2 else dt - SERVER_TICK_LENGTH endPos = intersection bBreak = True break elif collisionResult is CollisionResult.OUTSIDE: collData = None maxDistCheckFlag = True direction = prevVelocity endPos = prevPos + prevVelocity bBreak = True prevCheckPoint = curCheckPoint if bBreak: break prevPos = shotPos + shotVec.scale(dt) + gravity.scale(dt * dt * 0.5) prevVelocity = shotVec + gravity.scale(dt) direction.normalise() cameraHeight = BigWorld.camera().position.y - endPos.y distance = (endPos - shotPos).length markerDiameter = 2.0 * distance * dispersionAngles[0] idealMarkerDiameter = 2.0 * distance * dispersionAngles[1] if maxDistCheckFlag: if endPos.distTo(shotPos) >= maxDist: direction = endPos - shotPos direction.normalise() endPos = shotPos + direction.scale(maxDist) distance = maxDist markerDiameter = 2.0 * distance * dispersionAngles[0] idealMarkerDiameter = 2.0 * distance * dispersionAngles[1] replayCtrl = BattleReplay.g_replayCtrl if replayCtrl.isPlaying and replayCtrl.isClientReady: markerDiameter, endPos, direction = replayCtrl.getGunMarkerParams(endPos, direction) currentDistance = distance aimingInfo = player._PlayerAvatar__aimingInfo aimingStartTime = aimingInfo[0] aimingFactor = aimingInfo[1] shotDispMultiplierFactor = aimingInfo[2] # unShotDispersionFactorsTurretRotation = aimingInfo[3] # chassisShotDispersionFactorsMovement = aimingInfo[4] # chassisShotDispersionFactorsRotation = aimingInfo[5] # chassisShotDispersionFactorsRotation = aimingInfo[5] aimingTime = aimingInfo[6] aimingTimeAll = math.log(aimingFactor / shotDispMultiplierFactor) * aimingTime aimingFinishTime = aimingTimeAll + aimingStartTime timeAIM = max(0.0, aimingFinishTime - BigWorld.time()) as_event('ON_MARKER_POSITION') if isDisplaySphere: update_sphere(endPos) return endPos, direction, markerDiameter, idealMarkerDiameter, collData except Exception as ex: err(traceback.format_exc()) return base(self, shotPos, shotVec, dispersionAngles) @xvm.export('sight.distance', deterministic=False) def sight_distance(): return currentDistance @xvm.export('sight.timeFlight', deterministic=False) def sight_timeFlight(): return timeFlight @xvm.export('sight.timeAIM', deterministic=False) def sight_timeAIM(): return timeAIM @xvm.export('sight.cameraHeight', deterministic=False) def sight_cameraHeight(): return cameraHeight @xvm.export('sight.dynamic_colorRGB') def smooth_transition_colorRGB(color_100, color_0, percent=None, maximum=100): if percent is None: return None else: return utils.smooth_transition_color('RGB', color_100, color_0, percent, maximum) @xvm.export('sight.dynamic_colorRBG') def smooth_transition_colorRBG(color_100, color_0, percent=None, maximum=100): if percent is None: return None else: return utils.smooth_transition_color('RBG', color_100, color_0, percent, maximum) @xvm.export('sight.dynamic_colorGRB') def smooth_transition_colorGRB(color_100, color_0, percent=None, maximum=100): if percent is None: return None else: return utils.smooth_transition_color('GRB', color_100, color_0, percent, maximum) @xvm.export('sight.dynamic_colorGBR') def smooth_transition_colorGBR(color_100, color_0, percent=None, maximum=100): if percent is None: return None else: return utils.smooth_transition_color('GBR', color_100, color_0, percent, maximum) @xvm.export('sight.dynamic_colorBRG') def smooth_transition_colorBRG(color_100, color_0, percent=None, maximum=100): if percent is None: return None else: return utils.smooth_transition_color('BRG', color_100, color_0, percent, maximum) @xvm.export('sight.dynamic_colorBGR') def smooth_transition_colorBGR(color_100, color_0, percent=None, maximum=100): if percent is None: return None else: return utils.smooth_transition_color('BGR', color_100, color_0, percent, maximum) chancePenetration.py import BigWorld import math from Vehicle import Vehicle from gui.Scaleform.daapi.view.battle.classic.stats_exchange import FragsCollectableStats from AvatarInputHandler.gun_marker_ctrl import _CrosshairShotResults, _SHOT_RESULT import gui.Scaleform.daapi.view.battle.shared.crosshair.plugins as plug from xfw import * from xvm_main.python.logger import * import xvm_main.python.config as config COLOR_PIERCING_CHANCE = {'not_pierced': '#E82929', 'little_pierced': '#E1C300', 'great_pierced': '#2ED12F'} piercingActual = None armorActual = None piercingChance = None shotResult = None hitAngle = None normHitAngle = None colorPiercingChance = COLOR_PIERCING_CHANCE playerVehicleID = None @registerEvent(plug.ShotResultIndicatorPlugin, '_ShotResultIndicatorPlugin__onGunMarkerStateChanged') def onGunMarkerStateChanged(self, markerType, position, dir, collision): if config.get('sight/enabled', True): if not self._ShotResultIndicatorPlugin__isEnabled: self._ShotResultIndicatorPlugin__shotResultResolver.getShotResult(position, collision, dir, excludeTeam=self._ShotResultIndicatorPlugin__playerTeam) @overrideClassMethod(_CrosshairShotResults, 'getShotResult') def _CrosshairShotResults_getShotResult(base, cls, hitPoint, collision, dir, excludeTeam=0): if config.get('sight/enabled', True): def updateLabel(): if (old_armorActual != armorActual) or (old_piercingActual != piercingActual): as_event('ON_CALC_ARMOR') global piercingActual, armorActual, shotResult, hitAngle, normHitAngle, piercingChance keyColor = [None, 'not_pierced', 'little_pierced', 'great_pierced'] old_piercingActual = piercingActual old_armorActual = armorActual piercingActual = None armorActual = None piercingChance = None hitAngle = None normHitAngle = None shotResult = keyColor[0] if collision is None: updateLabel() return _SHOT_RESULT.UNDEFINED else: entity = collision.entity if entity.__class__.__name__ not in ('Vehicle', 'DestructibleEntity'): updateLabel() return _SHOT_RESULT.UNDEFINED if entity.health <= 0 or entity.publicInfo['team'] == excludeTeam: updateLabel() return _SHOT_RESULT.UNDEFINED player = BigWorld.player() if player is None: updateLabel() return _SHOT_RESULT.UNDEFINED vDesc = player.getVehicleDescriptor() shell = vDesc.shot.shell caliber = shell.caliber shellKind = shell.kind ppDesc = vDesc.shot.piercingPower maxDist = vDesc.shot.maxDistance dist = (hitPoint - player.getOwnVehiclePosition()).length piercingPower = cls._computePiercingPowerAtDist(ppDesc, dist, maxDist) fullPiercingPower = piercingPower minPP, maxPP = cls._computePiercingPowerRandomization(shell) result = _SHOT_RESULT.NOT_PIERCED isJet = False jetStartDist = None ignoredMaterials = set() collisionsDetails = cls._getAllCollisionDetails(hitPoint, dir, entity) if collisionsDetails is None: updateLabel() return _SHOT_RESULT.UNDEFINED for cDetails in collisionsDetails: if isJet: jetDist = cDetails.dist - jetStartDist if jetDist > 0.0: piercingPower *= 1.0 - jetDist * cls._SHELL_EXTRA_DATA[shellKind].jetLossPPByDist if cDetails.matInfo is None: result = cls._CRIT_ONLY_SHOT_RESULT else: matInfo = cDetails.matInfo if (cDetails.compName, matInfo.kind) in ignoredMaterials: continue hitAngleCos = cDetails.hitAngleCos if matInfo.useHitAngle else 1.0 hitAngle = hitAngleCos normHitAngle = hitAngle if not isJet and cls._shouldRicochet(shellKind, hitAngleCos, matInfo, caliber): normHitAngle = -1.0 break piercingPercent = 1000.0 if piercingPower > 0.0: penetrationArmor = cls._computePenetrationArmor(shellKind, hitAngleCos, matInfo, caliber) normHitAngle = matInfo.armor / penetrationArmor if penetrationArmor != 0.0 else hitAngle piercingPercent = 100.0 + (penetrationArmor - piercingPower) / fullPiercingPower * 100.0 piercingActual = int(piercingPower) armorActual = int(penetrationArmor) piercingChance = min(1.0, (penetrationArmor / penetrationArmor - 0.75) * 2) if penetrationArmor > 0.0 else 1.0 piercingPower -= penetrationArmor # log('penetrationArmor = %s piercingPercent = %s piercingPower = %s' % (penetrationArmor, piercingPercent, piercingPower)) if matInfo.vehicleDamageFactor: if minPP < piercingPercent < maxPP: result = _SHOT_RESULT.LITTLE_PIERCED elif piercingPercent <= minPP: result = _SHOT_RESULT.GREAT_PIERCED break elif matInfo.extra: if piercingPercent <= maxPP: result = cls._CRIT_ONLY_SHOT_RESULT if matInfo.collideOnceOnly: ignoredMaterials.add((cDetails.compName, matInfo.kind)) if piercingPower <= 0.0: break if cls._SHELL_EXTRA_DATA[shellKind].jetLossPPByDist > 0.0: isJet = True mInfo = cDetails.matInfo armor = mInfo.armor if mInfo is not None else 0.0 jetStartDist = cDetails.dist + armor * 0.001 shotResult = keyColor[result] updateLabel() return result else: return base(hitPoint, collision, dir, excludeTeam) @registerEvent(Vehicle, 'onEnterWorld') def Vehicle_onEnterWorld(self, prereqs): global piercingActual, armorActual, shotResult, hitAngle, normHitAngle, colorPiercingChance, playerVehicleID, piercingChance if self.isPlayerVehicle and config.get('sight/enabled', True): piercingActual = None armorActual = None piercingChance = None shotResult = None hitAngle = None normHitAngle = None colorPiercingChance = config.get('sight/c_piercingChance', COLOR_PIERCING_CHANCE) playerVehicleID = self.id as_event('ON_CALC_ARMOR') @registerEvent(FragsCollectableStats, 'addVehicleStatusUpdate') def FragsCollectableStats_addVehicleStatusUpdate(self, vInfoVO): global piercingActual, armorActual, shotResult, hitAngle, normHitAngle, colorPiercingChance, piercingChance if (not vInfoVO.isAlive()) and (playerVehicleID == vInfoVO.vehicleID): piercingActual = None armorActual = None piercingChance = None shotResult = None hitAngle = None normHitAngle = None as_event('ON_CALC_ARMOR') @xvm.export('sight.piercingActual', deterministic=False) def sight_piercingActual(): return piercingActual @xvm.export('sight.hitAngle', deterministic=False) def sight_hitAngle(): return math.degrees(math.acos(hitAngle)) if hitAngle is not None else None @xvm.export('sight.normHitAngle', deterministic=False) def sight_normHitAngel(): return normHitAngle if (normHitAngle is None) or (normHitAngle < 0) else math.degrees(math.acos(normHitAngle)) @xvm.export('sight.armorActual', deterministic=False) def sight_piercingActual(): return armorActual @xvm.export('sight.c_piercingChance', deterministic=False) def sight_c_piercingChance(): return colorPiercingChance.get(shotResult, None) @xvm.export('sight.piercingChance', deterministic=False) def sight_piercingChance(norm=None): global piercingChance if piercingChance is not None: piercingChance = (piercingChance * 100 if norm is None else piercingChance * norm) return piercingChance
  15. This is the complete script, it works for me and others, maybe this help someone else: "TEAM_ENEMY_HP_ground": { "enabled": true, "x": 0, "y": 32, "w": 100, "h": 26, "screenHAlign": "center", "alpha": 20, "bgColor": "#333333" }, "TEAM_HP_ground": { "enabled": true, "x": -170, "y": 32, "w": 240, "h": 26, "screenHAlign": "center", "alpha": 50, "bgColor": "#333333" }, "ENEMY_HP_ground": { "enabled": true, "x": 170, "y": 32, "w": 240, "h": 26, "screenHAlign": "center", "alpha": 50, "bgColor": "#333333" }, "TEAM_HP_bar": { "enabled": true, "updateEvent": "PY(ON_UPDATE_HP)", "x": -1010, // "-{{py:sum(50,{{py:xvm.screenHCenter}})}}", "y": 32, "w": "{{py:xvm.total_hp.ally(240)}}", "h": 26, "screenHAlign": "right", "alpha": 75, "bgColor": "{{.colors.system.ally_alive}}" }, "ENEMY_HP_bar": { "enabled": true, "updateEvent": "PY(ON_UPDATE_HP)", "x": 1010, // "{{py:sum(50,{{py:xvm.screenHCenter}})}}", "y": 32, "w": "{{py:xvm.total_hp.enemy(240)}}", "h": 26, "screenHAlign": "left", "alpha": 75, "bgColor": "{{.colors.system.enemy_alive}}" }, "TEAM_HP_border": { "enabled": true, "x": -170, "y": 32, "w": 240, "h": 26, "screenHAlign": "center", "alpha": 100, "borderColor": "#FFFFFF" }, "ENEMY_HP_border": { "enabled": true, "x": 170, "y": 32, "w": 240, "h": 26, "screenHAlign": "center", "alpha": 100, "borderColor": "#FFFFFF" }, "TEAM_ENEMY_HP_diff": { "enabled": true, "updateEvent": "PY(ON_UPDATE_HP)", "x": 0, "y": 35, "screenHAlign": "center", "shadow": { "distance": 1, "angle": 90, "alpha": 80, "blur": 5, "strength": 1.5 }, "textFormat": { "size": 13, "bold": "true" }, "format": "{{py:xvm.total_hp.ally>{{py:xvm.total_hp.enemy}}?+{{py:sub({{py:xvm.total_hp.ally}}, {{py:xvm.total_hp.enemy}})}}|{{py:sub({{py:xvm.total_hp.ally}}, {{py:xvm.total_hp.enemy}})}}}}" }, "TEAM_HP": { "enabled": true, "updateEvent": "PY(ON_UPDATE_HP)", "x": -170, "y": 33, "screenHAlign": "center", "shadow": { "distance": 1, "angle": 90, "alpha": 80, "blur": 5, "strength": 1.5 }, "textFormat": { "size": 16, "bold": true }, "format": "{{py:xvm.total_hp.ally}}" }, "ENEMY_HP": { "enabled": true, "updateEvent": "PY(ON_UPDATE_HP)", "x": 170, "y": 33, "screenHAlign": "center", "shadow": { "distance": 1, "angle": 90, "alpha": 80, "blur": 5, "strength": 1.5 }, "textFormat": { "size": 16, "bold": true }, "format": "{{py:xvm.total_hp.enemy}}" }, "mainGun": { "enabled": true, "updateEvent": "PY(ON_UPDATE_HP)", // "hotKeyCode": 56, // "onHold": true, "x": 320, "y": 5, "screenHAlign": "center", "shadow": { "distance": 1, "angle": 90, "alpha": 80, "blur": 5, "strength": 1.5 }, "textFormat": { "size": 15, "align": "center" }, "format": "<textformat tabstops='[125]' leading='-22' ><img src='img://gui/maps/icons/achievement/32x32/mainGun.png' width='24' height='24'>\n<tab>{{l10n:mainGun}}: <font color='#FFCC33'><b>{{py:xvm.total_hp.mainGun('',{{py:xvm.totalDamage}})}}</b></font></textformat>" },
  16. Here is mine, thx to MarsOne, he made it: "TEAM_HP_bar": { "enabled": true, "updateEvent": "PY(ON_UPDATE_HP)", "x": -1010, // "-{{py:sum(50,{{py:xvm.screenHCenter}})}}", "y": 32, "w": "{{py:xvm.total_hp.ally(240)}}", "h": 26, "screenHAlign": "right", "alpha": 75, "bgColor": "{{.colors.system.ally_alive}}" }, "ENEMY_HP_bar": { "enabled": true, "updateEvent": "PY(ON_UPDATE_HP)", "x": 1010, // "{{py:sum(50,{{py:xvm.screenHCenter}})}}", "y": 32, "w": "{{py:xvm.total_hp.enemy(240)}}", "h": 26, "screenHAlign": "left", "alpha": 75, "bgColor": "{{.colors.system.enemy_alive}}" }, value x -1010 and x 1010 is for 1920x1080 resolution, for other resolution use the py:sum or change it to your own value.
  17. How can I add the XMQP marker under the vehicle icon for ally and the enemy spotted lamp? Like in the players panel.
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