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Everything posted by Heliomalt

  1. @ktulho So there is no way that the timer is automatically at the position of the lamp, no matter if I now use my XVM config with a 1920x1080 or a 2560x1140 screen resolution? So I always have to set a value, 240 or 320?
  2. @ktulho Sorry, I don't understand your question, maybe bad translation. I try to make y coordinate dynamic, depending on the screen resolution. I try it like this way with x coordinate for example: "x": "-{{py:sum(50,{{py:xvm.screenHCenter}})}}", of course for y like "y": "-{{py:sum(240,{{py:xvm.screenHCenter}})}}", (just an example), but it don't work.
  3. I'm trying to make the timer's position dynamic for the sixthsense, depending on the screen resolution, for example, for 1080p "y": 230, for 1440p "y": 320. Is there a way without me having to adjust that each time, so that it is automatically in the right position. Thanky in advance. "sixthSenseTimer": { "enabled": true, "updateEvent": "PY(ON_SIXTH_SENSE_SHOW)", "x": 0, "y": 320, "width": 60, "height": 50, "screenHAlign": "center", "shadow": { "distance": 1, "angle": 90, "alpha": 80, "blur": 5, "strength": 1.5 }, "textFormat": {"align": "center", "size": 40 }, "format": "{{py:xvm.sixthSenseTimer(10)}}" },
  4. I adjusted my crosshairs, removed some elements and now only use the Penetration Calculator, Info Auto Aim and Sphere. In xvm.log, however, this error occurs: 2019-10-11 17:11:28: [ERROR] Traceback (most recent call last): File "../res_mods/mods/xfw_packages/xvm_main\python\python_macro.py", line 161, in process_python_macro (func, deterministic) = get_function(arg) File "../res_mods/mods/xfw_packages/xvm_main\python\python_macro.py", line 152, in get_function (func, deterministic) = _container.get(func_name) TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable arg='aim.mode' These scripts are installed: chancePenetration.py infoAutoAim.py sphere.py Penetration Calculator is working, rest is not yet tested. Edit: Added the old aimingSystem.py, error has gone, but I think its not a solution, because this script don't exist anymore in first post. How to correct the config without aimingSystem.py? battleLabelSight.xc sight.xc xvm.log
  5. Dogtag is disabled in hangar.xc but will be displayed again in the garage since XVM default 9297 python.log xvm.log
  6. @night_dragon_on Thank you very much, I really appreciate that.
  7. @night_dragon_on Does this option also disable the sound? I've tried to use a replay and activated logging in the sound.xc to set the associated event to disable the sound, but unfortunately Dogtag does not work in replays.
  8. @Kotyarko_O I changed nothing in the xc file, but I do another test, I use the py and the xc file from the zip in the start post, use it together with a default xvm 7.9.7, nothing else. No clip message. battleMessages.xc xvm3.log python3.log @ xvm.xc I have cleaned the whole wot cache, inclusive xvm folder, fixed. I don't understand, why cleaning the cache fix this, strange. But anyway, thx for help.
  9. @Kotyarko_O I switch back to 7.9.7, use the latest battleMessages.py, thats the result: python.logxvm.log With py macro from May 11. there is no error:python2.logxvm2.log But on both version, no clip reload message anymore. This is strange, because it worked for month.
  10. @Kotyarko_O Thx for the update, but it seems clip reload is not working anymore, played one battle with the Lorraine, press two times C, clip is reloading, but no message in battlechat. xvm.log python.log 20190708_1638_france-F19_Lorraine40t_45_north_america.wotreplay
  11. @Kotyarko_O battleMessages.xc python.log xvm.log Added two new logs. The new logs from the corrected battleMessages.py from your bitbucket. Still not working.python2.logxvm2.log
  12. Is there a solution with the battleMessages.py? Only der Arty Message won't work. Rest is ok. Thanks.
  13. For some time, the number of players is no longer displayed in the login and in the hangar, it is only initialization. The ping is displayed correctly. XVM 7.9.7, WoT, XVM default *Edit. Seems fixed in commit 7f0f64d xvm.log python.log login.xc
  14. I translated the german language file completely in german for the Vehicle_EXP mod. I hope that helps someone. de.mo.zip
  15. For the second time, my update has been rejected since 1.5 on the Patchday, with the reason that the version is not correct, although I have already uploaded the update a few days earlier. Why does it take so long and why updates are always rejected when a new patch comes. Are they just lazy or intentionally? I'm tired of this bullshit, seriously.
  16. Since the latest update of the aiming script , they are some errors. Some information are moved to wrong position in arcade view and everything is moved out of center in sniper mode with the new script. Two screenshots are from the old script, two from the new. Build 9074 battleLabelSight.xc Old script New script
  17. Is there a fix for the mirroring vehicle icons in Frontline? Working fine in Random, but not in FL. "removeVehicleLevel": true, is set, also in the settings in the game.
  18. Is there a way to display a permanent line of text to the right of the ping and lag panel? So far I have done this in the BattleLabelsTemplates.xc, but unfortunately this does not work in Frontline.
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