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Korean Random


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  • Nick
  1. Thanks, I know about this option. Camo rating varies per vehicle, which is why a hard-coded value is not really feasible.
  2. Hi, I'm wondering if it is currently possible to use current tank's camo value to dynamically define an additional circle on the minimap. Namely, take some fixed value, like 445m and multiply it by the camo rating of the current tank. Like, if a tank has 50% camo rating, the circle would have a radius of 222.5m. The pragmatic value of this would be knowing at what range an enemy tank with good vision (assumed to be 445m for simplicity) will see you in the open, given your current camo rating. Obviously, this would not be an exact measure nor a complete guarantee, as vision range can exceed 445m and consequently 'cut' through your camo, but it will still be a good rule of the thumb. Particularly for light tanks that whiz about and could use a rough estimation of how close they can approach multiple targets with relative safety. Is it currently possible to access the camo rating variable(s) from the config file for minimap circles? Thanks.
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