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Everything posted by scyorkie

  1. Thanks night_dragon_on, that works. What about hiding the 2 imgs in the nick fields? Using {{xvm-stat?16|0}} in width/height doesn't seem to work. "formatLeftNick": "<img src='xvm://res/icons/flags/{{flag|default}}.png' width='16' height='13'> <img src='xvm://res/icons/xvm/xvm-user-{{xvm-user}}.png'> <font size='12' alpha='#A0'>{{clan}}</font><font size='12'>{{xvm-stat?{{name%.10s~..}}|{{name}}}}</font>", "formatRightNick": "<font size='12'>{{xvm-stat?{{name%.10s~..}}|{{name}}}}</font><font size='12' alpha='#A0'>{{clan}}</font> <img src='xvm://res/icons/xvm/xvm-user-{{xvm-user}}.png'> <img src='xvm://res/icons/flags/{{flag|default}}.png' width='16' height='13'>",
  2. So here's a follow up issue. This is how my vehicle fields are formatted in statisticForm.xc: "formatLeftVehicle": "<font size='12'>{{vehicle}}</font><font face='mono' size='11' color='#3c3c3c'> {{xvm-stat?{{kb%3d~k|---k}}}} <font color='{{c:wn8}}'>{{xvm-stat?{{wn8%4d|----}}}}</font> <font color='{{c:winrate}}'>{{xvm-stat?{{winrate%2d~%|--%}}}}</font></font>", "formatRightVehicle": "<font face='mono' size='11' color='#3c3c3c'><font color='{{c:winrate}}'>{{xvm-stat?{{winrate%2d~%|--%}}}}</font> <font color='{{c:wn8}}'>{{xvm-stat?{{wn8%4d|----}}}}</font> {{xvm-stat?{{kb%3d~k|---k}}}} </font><font size='12'>{{vehicle}}</font>", The parts in blue relate to player stats. They are supposed to hide those stats if you disable that function in XVM. Here's how it looks like with stats enabled: screenshot 1 Here's how it looks like with stats disabled: screenshot 2 In both screenshots, vehicleFieldShowBorder is enabled. You can see that the yellow rectangles do not move from one screenshot to the next. However, the text for {{vehicle}} does move, but only for the right side. In screenshot 2, there appear to be spaces to the left of RightVehicle. I presume that comes from the blue text above. But the effect is different for LeftVehicle. Any ideas why? statisticForm.xc attached. statisticForm.xc
  3. Ah ok. Thanks as always -- that solved the issue I had :)
  4. It's in the 2nd table in macros.txt -- global macros. (Ah yes it's also in the default playersPanel.xc, but just not mine.)
  5. In default markersAliveNormal.xc > def > rating > alpha, you see this: "{{xvm-stat?100|0}}" I assumed that this meant if you didn't have XVM statistics activated, you wouldn't see the "rating" field at all. So I copied that part for my own version of the "rating" field, but realised that the field still shows up (just in white) when I play on my brother's non-XVM account. [screenshot] Is the macro not working, or am I understanding it wrong? markers.zip
  6. The biggest thing is that the hp bars don't work unless they are in both the standard and the alt minimap. I don't really need to see it by default - there's too much clutter. If the hp bar can work just by being in the alt minimap, then maybe I'll use it? I actually have XVM minimap labels disabled. I've only enabled it for one purpose previously - highlighting enemy TDs for MT-15 mission. This is how my XVM looks like right now.
  7. Just a final comment: you probably don't need both "nickSpotted" and "nickSpottedCompany" in your minimapLabelsAlt "nickSpottedCompany" applies to platoonmates, or to teammates in an organised battle with you -- the {{battletype}} macro only returns a value for organised battles (see texts.xc). The default behaviour is replace "nickSpotted" and expand on its application, which originally is only for platoonmates. However, your "nickSpotted" already has an expanded application because you changed its "flags".
  8. My {{c:hp-ratio}} only has 3 colors/stages - white, then yellow, then red. You can edit the colors, and number of stages, in colors.xc.
  9. Actually from your screenshot, it seems that your py_macro folder isn't updated, as there are missing elements from your hitlog, damagelog, and totalEfficiency sections.
  10. I used the files in his zip from post #15 and could see the HP bars change color based on {{c:hp-ratio}}. See the squares D8-D0 in this screenshot.
  11. So you want to color the tank type icons with {{c:hp-ratio}} right? First, you need to remove the comments in minimapLabels.xc for vtypeSpotted: //${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.vtypeSpotted" }, Once you do that, you can change this in minimapLabelsTemplates.xc: "format": "<font color='{{.minimap.labelsData.colors.dot.{{sys-color-key}}}}'>{{.minimap.labelsData.vtype.{{vtype-key}}}}</font>" to this (for example): "format": "<font color='{{c:hp-ratio}}'>{{.minimap.labelsData.vtype.{{vtype-key}}}}</font>" I hope I understand your post #11 above correct, since vtypeSpotted is the only label that contains any reference to dots.
  12. Maybe because in colors.xc the relevant codes are in the format 0xFF0000, while in minimapLabelsData.xc the dots color format is #FF0000? macros.txt says {{c:hp-ratio}} should work in minimap, but maybe just not for this (i.e. the macro can work for other purposes)? Update: {{c:hp-ratio}} works on vtypeSpotted regardless on the format of the color code in colors.xc (see post #19 below)
  13. ^ What konrad said. Re the overlap issue, when my nicks overlap the tank names, I can't see the tank names. That's why I mentioned it.
  14. Make sure that it doesn't overlap with any other field (check X and Y values). Otherwise, attach your latest minimap*.xc files.
  15. This is where "flags" comes into play. If you look at minimapLabelsTemplates.xc, and look under "nickLost", you will find this line: "flags": [ "squadman", "lost", "alive" ], This means that "nickLost" only displays for a platoonmate. If you want it to display for everyone, you need to change "flags" to the same as that for "vehicleLost": "flags": [ "ally", "enemy", "squadman", "teamKiller", "lost", "alive" ],
  16. Wow you sure picked one of the more difficult things to customise as your first task. Here's how it basically works: 1. Enable XVM minimap -- minimap.xc > minimap > enabled = true 2. Enable Alt mode for minimap -- hotkeys.xc > minimapAltMode > enabled = true, and set keyCode 3. minimapLabelsAlt.xc determines what labels show up in the Alt minimap 4. These labels are formatted in minimapLabelsTemplates.xc 5. The fields for each label are pretty much what you see in other .xc files, except for "flags" 6. "Flags" is the filter which determines what type of player the label will apply to (eg "nickLost" is for a platoonmate who is still alive) 7. Some fields also refer to minimapLabelsData.xc for more settings (colors and vtype icons) Hope this helps you understand konrad's work.
  17. It seems that the {{v.xpToElite}} macro has certain rules: - the macro has no values for stock tanks with nothing researched and no games played - otherwise, for tanks with multiple modules and future tanks unresearched, the macro totals the XP for all of these components, but disregards what has already been researched - thus, for tanks with only 1 module (or tank) left to research, the macro only considers the XP required to get that component That's why my friend's T28 Prot had an almost 100% bar. Similarly for my brother's KV-2, as it disregards the fact that the T-150 is researched, and only looks at the progress towards the S-51. For my M53/55, it only looks at the XP required for the T92, and disregards the XP for the modules on the M53/55. Basically, as you play your tank and research modules, the progress bar (regardless whether it counts up based on XP accumulated, or counts down based on XP remaining) can shorten or lengthen, and it will seem random unless you understand the rules behind the {{v.xpToElite}} macro. And this is why I've decided that I prefer a simple text display of {{v.xpToEliteLeft}}, over a progress bar. Lastly, this is what I'm using to display {{v.xpToEliteLeft}}: {{v.xpToEliteLeft>10000?{{py:math.div({{v.xpToEliteLeft}},1000)%-2d~k}}|{{v.xpToEliteLeft>1000?{{py:math.div({{v.xpToEliteLeft}},1000)%-2.1f~k}}|{{v.xpToEliteLeft}}}}}} The above shows: - XXk if more than 10k XP left (round to thousands, no decimals) - X.Xk if between 1k and 10k XP left (round to thousands, 1 decimal) - XXX if less than 1k XP left (no rounding)
  18. 1. Set: @xvm.xc > autoReloadConfig = true 2. Load a replay, pause it whenever you want to make changes to your .xc files, save changes, and resume the replay to see the effects Note: It seems that extended mode for markers does not load using this method, so do your testing with the normal mode for markers.
  19. Hmm I was looking for that thread that konrad pointed out, but couldn't locate it. In the meantime, I figured out a solution: - set width like this: "w": "{{py:math.mul({{py:math.div({{v.xpToEliteLeft}},{{v.xpToElite}})}},200)}}" (200-pixel bar grows shorter as you gain more XP) - set alpha like this: "alpha": "{{v.xpToEliteLeft>0?100|0}}" (necessary or else elited tanks will show the bar as well) Note: I logged into a friend's account to test this, since I only have 1 non-elite tank. It generally works except for his T28 Prot, which shows a full bar (i.e. no XP gained towards elite status) even though he has researched all modules + T30, but not the T28. I'm not sure why this happens.
  20. Another issue (build 7493): in the ST-I replay attached, I was hit once by arty but damageLog registered the hit twice. [screenshot] Also attached damageLog.xc. 20170512_1800_ussr-R63_ST_I_11_murovanka.wotreplay damageLog.xc
  21. In the current nightly build 7482, the damageLog wrongly identifies the arty that shot you, if it only stuns you but does not do damage. In the WZ-111 replay attached, the first shot I took was from a Type 59. The second shot was an unknown arty stunning me, but the damageLog says the second shot came from the Type 59 as well. [screenshot] In the FCM 50t replay attached, the first shot I took was from a 112. The second and third shots were from unknown arties, but damageLog says those came from the same 112. [screenshot, and screenshot] I have also attached my damageLog.xc. I know it is different from the current default, but I've looked at the differences and believe that they are not material to this issue. 20170509_1042_china-Ch03_WZ-111_07_lakeville.wotreplay 20170509_1048_france-F65_FCM_50t_10_hills.wotreplay damageLog.xc
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