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Korean Random


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Everything posted by goofy67

  1. Другая возможность: import re from gui.shared import g_eventBus, events from gui.SystemMessages import pushMessage, SM_TYPE from notification.actions_handlers import NotificationsActionsHandlers def new_NotificationsActionsHandlers_handleAction(self, model, typeID, entityID, actionName): regex = re.compile( r'^https?://' r'(?:(?:[A-Z0-9](?:[A-Z0-9-]{0,61}[A-Z0-9])?\.)+[A-Z]{2,6}\.?|' r'\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})' r'(?::\d+)?' r'(?:/?|[/?]\S+)$', re.IGNORECASE ) if regex.match(actionName) is None: return old_NotificationsActionsHandlers_handleAction(self, model, typeID, entityID, actionName) g_eventBus.handleEvent(events.OpenLinkEvent(events.OpenLinkEvent.SPECIFIED, actionName)) return None old_NotificationsActionsHandlers_handleAction = NotificationsActionsHandlers.handleAction NotificationsActionsHandlers.handleAction = new_NotificationsActionsHandlers_handleAction msg = '<font color="#12c812">Forum: </font><a href="event:http://www.koreanrandom.com"><font color="#eb2222">Korean</font></a>' pushMessage(msg, SM_TYPE.GameGreeting)
  2. goofy67


    Yes, I know about it, happens to me, too. Sadly I have just little time to solve this. (Maybe another WG-bug?) And, as long as it works...
  3. Thank you for youe answer. But I think it is not worth the effort to create an extra flash-file for just a single line of text in a tiny script.. Or is there another way to create a simple text-message in lobby? (besides message-center, I know that)
  4. Is there a way to make this work? import GUI from helpers import i18n message = i18n.makeString('#settings:DECALS_QUALITY') gui_text = GUI.Text(message) GUI.addRoot(gui_text) As long as message contains only ascii-characters (english client), everything is fine. With unicode (as eg. russian, german, french,.. ) all non-ascii-characters are messed up.
  5. Thank you! BTW: ChangeLog-xx.txt: Correct is macro {{cellsize}} not {{cellside}}
  6. goofy67


    (vehicle-extended works, needs not-completely researched vehicle... My fault.) As you see, GUIoff work fine with vehicle-extended:
  7. goofy67


    python.log veh_exp_extended is not working for me. Mod loads, but no changes in lobby... Have no idea.
  8. goofy67


    Well, so many mods, not only by spoter, I think. Please do me a favour and deactivate all mods and then activate one mod after the other and test again. _startBattel() for instance is not part of HangMan: TypeError: _startBattle() takes no arguments (1 given) Another thing: Is hangarCalculatorButton working for you? Do you have a download-link? Hopefully.
  9. goofy67


    Okay, now the button disappeared here, too... So check out this one: Download It is enough to update only mod_hangman.pyc, nothing else changed. So if you do not see the button, press ESC-key twice (once to open the menu, second to close it again). The button should reappear then. This is just a quick&dirty workaround, not really satisfying. But it works until I find a) the reason for this issue and b) a solution for that.
  10. goofy67


    HangMan 2.3, XVM 6.1.6 with default-config, button-position "pos_y" : 0 : no problems here But what about this in your log: WARNING: [WARNING] (scripts/client/account_helpers/CustomFilesCache.py, 210): Client couldn't read file. (UnpicklingError('pickle data was truncated',), 'NB2HI4B2F4XWGZJOO5XXE3DEN5THIYLONNZS44TVF5SGG33OOQXWG3DBNZZS6ZLNMJWGK3LTF4YTIOBVGM2C6ZLNMJWGK3K7GMZHQMZSFZYG4ZY=') Please delete in %APPDATA%\Wargaming.net\WorldOfTanks all folders ending with _cache. Make backup before if you wish.
  11. goofy67


    Извините, я не говорю по-русски... Could you please disable every mod (except HangMan) and then enable one after the other to see, which one does interfere?
  12. goofy67


    Probably not worth the effort, as all hangars up to 0.9.10 will not work in 0.10.0 Provided WG will not undo the changes they made in spaces-folders on Common-Test.
  13. from gui.app_loader import g_appLoader g_appLoader.getDefBattleApp() Имеет несколько отличий. (Has some differences.)
  14. Hello friends. I'm struggling with a clickable button in lobby for 9.10_Common_Test. Using this: testButton.zip I get a working button. But I want to get it into most upper region of the screen. In 9.9 I'm using in testButtonClass.as: public var lobby:LobbyPage; this.lobby = view as LobbyPage; this.lobby.addChild(this.RadioBtn); which isn't working for 9.10 any more. Any ideas?
  15. Thank you for that hint, it works fine now without "LobbySubView.__background_alpha__ = 0.0", but with this: .... from gui.Scaleform.framework.entities.View import View from gui.Scaleform.framework.entities.abstract.AbstractViewMeta import AbstractViewMeta class TestWindow(View, AbstractViewMeta): ....
  16. Thank you! Works fine ... on RU-Server. On EU and selecting unavailable tank, quitting and re-entering now I get this:
  17. Very nice mod, thanks for that! But after selecting an "unavailable" tank and quitting the game, on next start I get following python.log: Client stops in lobby at "updating vehicles..." No other mods installed. And something else: Is it possible to change this to something localized, maybe i18n.makeString('#tooltips:historicalBattles/vehicle/notAvailable/header') ? ("Машина недоступна")
  18. I've searched for 2 days now, and after posting a question I found a solution within minutes... LobbySubView.__background_alpha__ = 0.0 Thanks anyway!
  19. Well, unfortunately not really... When using the script with 9.10_CT and opening a window on login-screen, everything is fine. But as soon as I open a window in lobby, the background (the garage) darkens like pressing the ESC-key, and on closing the test-window the lobby keeps darkened. I need to open an item from menu (like 'depot' or 'service record') and close it again to normalize the lobby. There should be a way to prevent this, because some other windows (like 'exchange gold' or 'conver to free xp') that open in lobby do not have this issue. Ideas?
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