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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/19/2020 in Posts

  1. На данный момент локальный сервер на той же машине, только вот для версии x86-64 скорее всего, не смотря на то, что сама игра только для x86. И на первое время, кроме сервера, ещё и клиент, чтобы от сервера к основному клиенту формировать и передавать пакеты. Это было нужно, чтобы сетевой протокол не реализовывать на тот момент. А зачем 0.7.0? Ностальгия по старой графике? Так версия 0.9.22 лучше по всем параметрам. Старые карты, а графика подтянута, движок оптимизирован, по сравнению с 0.7.0, где всё тормозило, когда его недавно запускали.
    1 point
  2. World of Tanks servers are located in data centers, and the closer you are to a data center, the better your response. Please note that this is the transmission distance within the network infrastructure, not the distance on the map. - 3 data centers are in Moscow. One runs WoT, WoWs and WoWp. The other two include peripheral support technologies. - RU4 is in Novosibirsk and RU8 is in Krasnovarsk. - We also have 3 data centers in Europe (Amsterdam, Frankfurt and Luxembourg). - The names suggest that Americans have one cluster in the east and the other in the west. - Asian data centers are in Korea and Singapore. - The Chinese cluster is not managed by WG, but by contractual partners. I don't know if this is still the case, but I from the Czech Republic also feel the reaction in the game deteriorating for at least two months. Previously, the ping ranged from 15-40 ms, now it does not go below 30 and rather ranges from 40-60 ms. I have a 100 mb / s cable connection and via WI-FI the game would be unplayable. It's a shame I like WOT, but this approach loses the player.
    1 point
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